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My Arctic 1,2,3

Whether you’re a returning guest or a first-time visitor, enter My Arctic 1, 2, 3 and explore Michael Kusugak’s world of animals and adventure in the Arctic Circle.

On each two-page spread, discover ...

Munschworks 2: The Second Munsch Treasury

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction

One volume cannot possibly contain all the Munsch favorites—it would be too heavy to lift!

Now volume two has another five classic Munsch titles: 

PigsPurple, Green and YellowMortimer • ...

The Paper Bag Princess Pin 2-Pack

Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Nonfiction

Stand up to dragons with this collectable pair of Paper Bag Princess enamel pins! Package contains one Princess Elizabeth and one Dragon.

Anyone's Game (Cross Ups, Book 2)

By Sylv Chiang
Illustrated by Connie Choi
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Cross Ups

What’s up with Cali? Why does she keep changing her gamer tag?

It’s summertime, and even though his good friend Cali moved to another city, Jaden can connect with her online almost every day to play ...

Angela's Airplane (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

When Angela's father gets lost at the airport, she looks for him everywhere, even inside an airplane. But when Angela's love of button-pressing proves too great, she finds herself in charge of flying ...

The Boy in the Drawer (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Shelley has to pick up the socks she’s left all over her room. But when she opens her sock drawer, a tiny troublemaking boy appears. She has to make her bed, but there he is again, underneath the sheets ...

David's Father (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Julie thinks her new neighbors must be very scary because all the stuff being moved into their house is enormous. Then she meets David and finds out that he's just a normal, regular boy. But when David's ...

The Dark (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Jule Ann pounds on the bottom of a cookie jar, and a small dark lump bounces out. The Dark quickly gobbles up every shadow in sight, growing bigger with each one. Munsch’s plucky heroine resolves the ...

Jonathan Cleaned Up—Then He Heard a Sound (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

"Last stop! Everybody out!" Jonathan is trying not to make a mess, but someone has put a subway station in his apartment. So Jonathan goes to City Hall to fix the computer.

About the Annikin Series: Annikins ...

I Have to Go! (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

The ever-popular story of a little boy in the throes of toilet training. 

About the Annikin Series: Annikins are mini books made especially for children—small enough to fit into tiny hands and pockets. ...