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Ready, Set, Kindergarten

By Paula Ayer
Illustrated by Danielle Arbour
Categories: Children's Fiction

Counting and painting and sharing with friends—this girl’s ready for school!

Preparing for kindergarten is a huge step for young children. This encouraging tale of a little girl’s experience touches ...

50 Climate Questions

By Peter Christie
Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird
Categories: Children's Nonfiction
Series: 50 Questions

Climate is a hot topic. Turns out, it’s been a major mover and shaker since time began. Climate has made it possible for new species to evolve, yet has wiped out others. We might not think about it ...

The Lynching of Louie Sam

Murder, racism, and injustice wreak havoc in a frontier town.

Between 1882 and 1968 there were 4,742 lynchings in the United States. In Canada during the same period there was one—the hanging  of Louie ...

The Mole Sisters and the Fairy Ring

Full of fun, imagination, and quiet confidence, these are small creatures with big hearts. Their unfaltering optimism is contagious, bringing smiles to faces everywhere.

Through the trees the Mole Sisters ...

The Mole Sisters and the Piece of Moss

When a piece of moss is feeling bad, the Mole Sisters set out to show him what a wonderful world they live in. Their adventures take them from their mole hole to the top of the world and back again. ...

People Who Said No

When saying no is the right thing to do.

Sometimes it’s okay to ignore the rules or break the law. In fact, it’s essential! This thought-provoking book features people who did just that: Sophie and ...

Research Virtuoso

An essential tool for every student!

Armed with this lively guidebook, students will be ready to face the often daunting prospect of conducting serious research in the information age. Fully revised, The ...

Murmel, Murmel, Murmel (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

What in the world is Robin going to do with the baby she finds in her sandbox?

“Murmel, murmel, murmel,” is all Robin hears coming from a hole in her sandbox. When she reaches down and out pops a baby, ...

Crazy About Soccer

Hurray for soccer!

Anyone / at all / at all / can learn to kick a ball / a ball. A kangaroo could do it, / too, / a bigger kick than me or you but never put one / in a game ’cuz they can kick but / they ...