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The Great Number Rumble

By Cora Lee & Gillian O'Reilly
Illustrated by Lil Crump
Categories: Children's Nonfiction

Discover the many places where mathematical ideas are surprisingly hidden.

Math can show up in the most unlikely places! When the schools in JeremyÕs town ban math, all the kids cheer, all except his ...

The Nutmeg Princess

A powerful modern fable about friendship, faith, and the nature of beauty.

Best friends Aglo and Petal live on a small island in the Caribbean called the Isle of Spice (based on Grenada). When Petite Mama ...

Laura Scandiffio

Laura Scandiffio has worked as an editor for both children's and adult trade books. As an author, her previous book, The Martial Arts Book, showcased her love of history, her meticulous research, and ...


Fourteen-year-old Gerry Copeland has mixed feelings about flying back to his parents’ research camp in the African savanna. While his biologist mom and dad study baboon behavior, he’ll be thinking ...

Ursula Poznanski

Ursula Poznanski is an award-winning children’s author. She lives in Vienna, Austria.