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When 16-year-old Nick receives a package containing the mysterious computer game Erebos, he wonders if it will explain the behavior of his classmates, who have been secretive lately. Players of the game ...

David's Father (Classic Munsch)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Classic Munsch

Julie thinks her new neighbors must be very scary because all the stuff being moved into their house is enormous. Then she meets David and finds out that he's just a normal, regular boy. But when David's ...

Anyone's Game (Cross Ups, Book 2)

By Sylv Chiang
Illustrated by Connie Choi
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Cross Ups

What’s up with Cali? Why does she keep changing her gamer tag?

It’s summertime, and even though his good friend Cali moved to another city, Jaden can connect with her online almost every day to play ...

Red is Best (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Kathy Stinson
Illustrated by Robin Baird Lewis
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

The little girl in this simple but exuberant story knows that red barrettes are best, “because they make my hair laugh.”

About the Annikin Series: Annikins are mini books made especially for children—small ...

Eyes and Spies

Who is watching you… and why?
Written for middle-grade and older readers, Eyes and Spies looks at the way information and data about us is collected and used by individuals, governments, companies, ...

Murmel, Murmel, Murmel (Classic Munsch)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Classic Munsch

What in the world is Robin going to do with the baby she finds in her sandbox?

“Murmel, murmel, murmel,” is all Robin hears coming from a hole in her sandbox. When she reaches down and out pops a baby, ...

End of the Line

Ordinary citizens risk everything to save a young Jewish girl in wartime Holland.

Five-year-old Beatrix looks on in horror as the soldier forces her mother off the tram. It is 1942 in Amsterdam, and everyone ...

She Holds Up the Stars

"This compelling novel will introduce young readers to the complexities of modern indigeneity and resilience.”—Eden Robinson, author of Monkey Beach and Son of Trickster.

A young Indigenous girl searching ...

Something Good (Classic Munsch)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Classic Munsch

“Something good” is exactly what Tyya, Andrew and Julie want to put into their shopping cart. Tyya’s dad won’t buy anything good at the store—no ice cream, no candy, no cookies. But when the ...

Anna at the Art Museum

By Hazel Hutchins & Gail Herbert
Illustrated by Lil Crump
Categories: Children's Fiction

Art is for everyone—even a bored little girl.

Going to the Art Museum with her mom is no fun at all for Anna. Everything is old and boring and there are so many rules: Don’t Touch! Do Not Enter! Quiet! ...