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Thomas' Snowsuit (Classic Munsch)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Dusan
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Classic Munsch

Thomas thinks his new snowsuit is the ugliest thing he has ever seen in his whole entire life. When his mother, his teacher, and even his principal try to get him to put it on, his answer is, “NNNNNO.” ...

Wait and See (Classic Munsch)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Dusan
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Classic Munsch

It is Olivia’s birthday, and when she blows out the candles on her cake and makes a wish, she gets exactly what she wanted—SNOW, SNOW, and MORE SNOW, even though it’s summertime. All that snow leads ...

Show and Tell (Classic Munsch)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Classic Munsch

Ben wants to take something really neat to school for show and tell. What could be neater than his new baby sister? But his sister doesn’t want to co-operate. She cries in his backpack. She cries at ...

The Boy in the Drawer (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Shelley has to pick up the socks she’s left all over her room. But when she opens her sock drawer, a tiny troublemaking boy appears. She has to make her bed, but there he is again, underneath the sheets ...

David's Father (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Julie thinks her new neighbors must be very scary because all the stuff being moved into their house is enormous. Then she meets David and finds out that he's just a normal, regular boy. But when David's ...

The Dark (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Jule Ann pounds on the bottom of a cookie jar, and a small dark lump bounces out. The Dark quickly gobbles up every shadow in sight, growing bigger with each one. Munsch’s plucky heroine resolves the ...

Algo Bueno

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction

Tyya’s dad won’t buy anything good at the store—no ice cream, no candy, no cookies. But when the saleslady puts a price sticker on Tyya’s nose, Daddy is finally forced to buy something good.  ...

El avión de Angela

While looking for her lost father at the airport, Angela ends up in the front of the plane. She decides to push just one button, and then another ... and another ... 

Agu, Agu, Agu

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction

What in the world is Robin going to do with the baby she finds in her sandbox?

“Murmel, murmel, murmel,” is all Robin hears coming from a hole in her sandbox. When she reaches down and out pops a baby, ...

Bola de Mugre

Una nueva versión de un clásico muy querido.

Cada vez que Jule Ann sale a la calle, una bola de mugre salta sobre ella y la enfanga completamente. Pero ella vence a la bola de mugre con su ingenio alegre ...