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Africans Thought of It

Did you know that aloe vera—now found in countless products, including sunscreens and soaps—was first used by Africans? They ground it into powder and used it to treat burns and other skin conditions, ...

All the Dirt

Cleanliness is next to godliness. At least that was the point of view espoused by John Wesley in 18th century England. But accounts of people bathing go back to the Bronze Age in the Indus Valley. All ...

The Chinese Thought of It

Acupuncture, gun powder and the secrets to spinning silk are innovations that we have come to associate with China. But did you know that the Chinese also invented the umbrella? And toilet paper, initially ...

The Dentist and You

The Dentist and You is a book for any young child making a trip to the dentist's office. 

It familiarizes children with many of the tools and procedures they are likely to encounter during their visit, ...

The Little Black Book for Girlz

Check it out: not just a book about sex, but a look at girl culture by youth themselves. No stuffy school textbook. No nosey adults. Just a diverse group of teen girls from a community youth project who ...

Secrets in the Fire

It is the wise old woman of the village who teaches young Sofia about the secrets in the fire. Within the flames hide all things past and all things yet to be. But not even old Muazena can see the horrors ...

Crossing the Farak River

Fourteen-year-old Hasina is forced to flee everything she knows in this gripping account of the crisis in Myanmar.

For Hasina and her younger brother Araf, the constant threat of Sit Tat, the Myanmar Army, ...


The Talk-About-Books series is designed to enhance a baby or toddler’s first collection of books.

Toys explores a young child’s world using photographs of a variety of children in natural settings.