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Debbie Reese

Dr. Debbie Reese (Nambe Pueblo) is the renowned educator, critic, and founder of American Indians in Children's Literature blog.

Tiffany Stone

TIFFANY STONE played the tuba as a teen—even though she was tiny! She is the author of Tree Song (Annick, 2018) and several collections of poetry for kids. Tiffany lives in Whonnock, BC.

Brandon James Scott

Brandon James Scott is a creative director, illustrator, writer, and dad living in Toronto. He’s the creator of the award-winning animated series, Justin Time. Find him on Instagram @brandonjamesscott. ...

St. Stephen's Community House

St. Stephen’s Community House is a unique, community-based social service agency that has been serving the needs of Kensington Market and surrounding neighborhoods in downtown West Toronto since 1962. ...

Jamal Saeed

Jamal Saeed spent twelve years as a prisoner of conscience in Syria before being invited to Canada in 2016. He continues to raise awareness about Syria’s ongoing civil war and humanitarian crisis through ...

Francesca Segal

Francesca Segal is an award-winning writer and journalist. Her first novel, The Innocents, won the Costa First Novel Award, the National Jewish Book Award for Fiction, the Sami Rohr Prize, and a Betty ...

Stephen Shapiro

Stephen Shapiro holds a PhD and is the author of The Siege, Ultra Hush-Hush!, Hoodwinked, and Battle Stations. He lives in Toronto.

Kathy Stinson

Kathy Stinson is the author of children's classics Red is Best, and Big or Little?, and recent multi-award winners like The Man with the Violin, and Harry and Walter. She lives in Rockwood, Ontario.

Simon Shapiro

When Sheryl and Simon Shapiro met over 35 years ago in South Africa (where they were born and grew up), they had very different interests. Simon had studied subjects like applied mathematics and physics, ...

Rebecca Thomas

REBECCA THOMAS is a Mi’kmaw woman registered with Lennox Island First Nation. She is the daughter of a residential school survivor and is an unrelenting advocate for her community. She is an award-winning ...