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Millicent and the Wind (Annikin Miniature Edition)

The wind brings Millicent a hoped-for friend.

Pigs (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Pigs are smarter than you think!

When Megan’s dad tells her not to let the pigs out of their pen, curiosity gets the better of her. Why not? Pigs are too dumb to do anything anyway . . . or are they? ...

Mortimer (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Mortimer will not be quiet and go to sleep. Not for his mother, or his father, or his seventeen sisters and brothers, not even for the police.

About the Annikin Series: Annikins are mini books made especially ...

Stephanie's Ponytail (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

None of the kids in her class wear a ponytail, so Stephanie decides she must have one. The loud, unanimous comment from her classmates is: “Ugly, ugly, very ugly.” Steadfast, when all the girls have ...

Mud Puddle (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Dušan Petričić
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Whenever Jule Ann goes outside, a Mud Puddle jumps on her and gets her muddy all over. But she defeats it with cheerful ingenuity and two bars of smelly yellow soap. As in all Munsch stories, kids are ...

Purple, Green and Yellow (Annikin Edition)

Brigid really loves markers. But when she draws on herself with super-permanent ink, she knows that spells trouble.

About the Annikin Series: Annikins are mini books made especially for children—small ...

Thomas' Snowsuit (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Thomas refuses to wear his new snowsuit despite the pleas of his mother, his teacher, and even his principal. When everyone’s best efforts lead only to comedic chaos, they all agree it’s best to let ...

The Fire Station (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

This story starts out with a familiar premise: Michael and Sheila visit a fire station. But then the Munsch flair for imaginative insight and humor take over. While the two kids are exploring a fire truck, ...

Something Good (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

“Something good” is exactly what Tyya, Andrew and Julie want to put into their shopping cart. Tyya’s dad won’t buy anything good at the store—no ice cream, no candy, no cookies. But when the ...

Moira's Birthday (Annikin Miniature Edition)

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction
Series: Annikin

Moira’s afraid her parents might get upset if they find out she invited the whole school to her birthday party . . . so she just doesn’t tell them. The big day arrives, and grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...