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Showing 1-7 of 7 titles.
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Everything you wanted to know about basketball—and more!

For die-hard basketball fans and casual spectators alike, this collection of fascinating facts about the game will be a welcome addition to their ...

Baseball Bats for Christmas

An authentic tale about children living in the Arctic by one of the most acclaimed Inuit storytellers.

Life in the high Arctic is beautifully captured in this classic picture book by award-winning Inuit ...

The Great Number Rumble

By Cora Lee & Gillian O'Reilly
Illustrated by Lil Crump
Categories: Children's Nonfiction

Discover the many places where mathematical ideas are surprisingly hidden.

Math can show up in the most unlikely places! When the schools in JeremyÕs town ban math, all the kids cheer, all except his ...


The most unusual baseball facts you’ll ever find!

Referred to as “America’s National Pastime,” and “The Greatest Sport on Earth,” baseball has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions ...

Crazy About Hockey

By Loris Lesynski
Illustrated by Gerry Rasmussen
Categories: Children's Nonfiction
Series: Crazy About

We get in position, about to start,
over the thumps of every heart—
the ones on the rink,
and the ones that came
to watch a thrilling
hockey game.

Third in Loris Lesynski’s popular Crazy About series, ...

Crazy About Basketball

By Loris Lesynski
Illustrated by Gerry Rasmussen
Categories: Children's Nonfiction
Series: Crazy About

A poetic homage to basketball!

The footsteps pound.
The high-tops squeak.
The crowd is loud.
The floorboards creak.
But through it all,
we catch the sound,
the one that’s high above the ground,
that ...

A Native American Thought of It

Everyone knows that moccasins, canoes and toboggans were invented by the Aboriginal people of North America, but did you know that they also developed their own sign language, syringe needles and a secret ...