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Showing 1-10 of 14 titles.
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Llamas With Lemonade

Get ready to jump rope with jaguars and sip lemonade with llamas.

Introducing a delightful animal-themed ABC book that will have toddlers and parents grinning from A to Z. In addition to helping with letter ...

Classic Munsch ABC

What do airplanes, firetrucks, and princesses have in common? They're all found in the wonderful world of Robert Munsch and Michael Martchenko, whose stories and illustrations together have captivated ...

Munsch Mini-Treasury Three

By Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko
Categories: Children's Fiction

In Munsch Mini-Treasury Teree, readers will find the original version of these classics: • David’s Father • Mortimer • Purple, Green, and Yellow (illustrated by Hélène Desputeaux) • Show and ...

Red is Best

By Kathy Stinson
Illustrated by Robin Baird Lewis
Categories: Children's Fiction

The little girl in this simple but exuberant story knows that red barrettes are best, “because they make my hair laugh.”

Flock of Shoes

By Sarah Tsiang
Illustrated by Qin Leng
Categories: Children's Fiction

Abby loves her pink and brown sandals with the lime green trim, and she wears them wherever she goes. But as summer draws to a close, Abby’s mom announces that it’s time for the sandals to go. Abby ...

The Mole Sisters and the Way Home

The Mole Sisters are on their way home when it starts to snow. What fun! They stop to build snow moles, then continue on their way, only to realize they are lost. Seeking shelter inside a cave, the Mole ...

The Mole Sisters and the Fairy Ring

Full of fun, imagination, and quiet confidence, these are small creatures with big hearts. Their unfaltering optimism is contagious, bringing smiles to faces everywhere.

Through the trees the Mole Sisters ...

The Mole Sisters and the Cool Breeze

It is a very hot day and the Mole Sisters need a nice cool breeze. They start to fan themselves. Then a dandelion pipes up that he’s hot too! Soon all the other dandelions want to be fanned as well. ...

The Mole Sisters and the Moonlit Night

On a beautiful moonlit night the Mole Sisters gaze at the sky. When a brilliant shooting star blazes past, they make a wish together and soon they are imagining the world from a wonderful moon vista. ...

The Mole Sisters and the Busy Bees

The Mole Sisters set out to do nothing at all. But when a busy bee buzzes by, they follow him and end up in a lovely meadow of flowers. The Mole Sisters begin smelling and their noses become covered ...